Gals vs Guys on various social networking sites

No..... I am not stirring up the age old "who is better" debate.

I noticed just today that most of the married women, especially Indian women on the social networking sites have put a picture of themselves with their husband as their profile picture, while the guys..they still have just a picture of themselves.

Any specific reason behind this? or is it the usual men vs women thing :)

Cooking- an art.

Recently, cooking has become my new muse, my creative outlet, my challenge on an otherwise boring day and my expression of love for my husband.

I can't believe it but I am actually interested in cooking. When I started cooking it was just a way for me to satiate my hunger. Nothing else.It took seven years and lots of love for my boyfriend and now my husband to get me to the other side of the river. Now I actually like to cook. And my dear husband eats what ever I cook. That propels my interest even more.

In this process, I have realized that cooking is an ART and a SCIENCE......what my mom, books and all the ancoent scriptures have been telling me is so true. Like any art, with cooking also, you will never realize how much skill and effort it takes to make a good dish.It is so easy to get a recipe and measure everything exactly and cook. But then, that is not an art at all. It is just following instructions.

The "Art of cooking" is in knowing how the ingredients go together, how much of each to use without using a kitchen scale or a measuring cup, how to balance the flavors and how much to let the dish cook.The "Science of cooking" is how each of the ingredients benefits your body and the quantities in which each ingredient benefits you.Now that I have discovered the joy of cooking, I don't think I will ever stop . Three cheers to the Art and Science of cooking.

In the presence of Dr.Abdul Kalam

April 25th, 2009. A memorable day for me. This was the day that I got to see and hear Dr.Abdul Kalam live and ask him a direct question.

An amazing experience to be in the presence of real greatness.

Holding hands....

The other day I was waiting for a couple to cross the road to take a left turn. As they started crossing the road, they were looking in different directions but their hands just automatically came together in the middle of the road. It was just sooooooooo romantic. No flowers, no kisses...just the intuitiveness they shared. That was amazing. I can still recall vividly how their hands came together effortlessly.

It gave me such a warm feeling and made my day........and it will most likely make my day every time I recall it.
It is such a simple gesture but it just makes you feel safe, loved, and needed all at the same time. So simple and yet so lovely.........and as the couple ages, the loveliness of such a simple gesture rises exponentially.

Arundhati Roy's article on the Mumbai attacks

This blog is just for me to remember to read and re-read and store this article by Arundhati Roy. Any one interested please take sometime to read this.

India's prosperity.....hmmmmmmmm

This is the article in New York Time that helped me pen this blog.

The inspiration for this blog? observations during my most recent trip to India.

I have been in the US for 6 years now and this is my 6th trip to India. Never ever have I been so conscious of the disparity in India now. I don't know why. Whatever the reason, this disparity saddens me to the core.

It is just like the author Anand Giridharadas says, "India may be changing at a disorienting pace, but one thing remains stubbornly the same: a tendency to treat the hired help like chattel, to behave as though some humans were born to serve and others to be served. "

That is so true...where is the dignity of labor? Why do we treat hired help as if they were born to serve? I can't help but compare India to the US (which is the only other country I have lived in), where everyone is treated with a certain amount of respect. When will people in India realize that in a society, especially in Indian society, where so much of work is done by hired help, it is very very important to have treat people with a certain respect because they are doing their job whatever it might be.

Now I don't mean to say every single person in India is guilty of this. But a majority of the Indian population is guilty and it is not because they don't know that their behaviour is wrong. But it is because that is what they are used to and they can get away with it.

And the sadness I see in the eyes of the ill treated people...I can never ever forget it. Like I said in one my previous posts, it feels like people are just surviving. They are not living life. I know many will not agree with me. But unless I see it for myself that they are living life, I cannot accept it.